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Monday, June 13, 2011

General Health Tips for Everyone Including Those with Lupus

***Also see the post on So You Have Lupus What Do You Do Next?***

Basic Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations by Toni Kaste

Nutrition Simplified- "Eat Food, not too much, mostly plants" – Michael Pollan

Eat real, whole foods, that is! – Toni’s interpretation (I believe Michael Pollan agrees!)

1)Keep a food/symptom diary. This will show if you have a repeated reaction to a food that you need to avoid to feel better.

2)Also create a health "binder" the three hole type that you can put all your pertinent health information : copies of your blood tests, questions and research articles for your doctor/s, supplements, medications you are taking, allergy testing, etc

3) If you have an Autoimmune Disease (Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes etc) or other chronic on-going disease, get tested for Celiac disease, do this BEFORE you go gluten free if you can. The test will not be accurate unlesss you are presently eating gluten. (often Lupus and other autoimmune diseases and Celiac go hand in hand, check the internet for articles. Celiac Disease can cause leaky gut and that ruins the health of your intestines. Remember 75-80% of your immune system is in your gut. Make sure you heal the damage!

4) Visit your practitioner/physician at least once a year, more often if you have a chronic disease. Know your numbers, blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, fasting sugar level, CRP etc. Evaluate each year’s blood work with your practitioner to see if any trends are happening to cause disease or blood levels are correcting themselves for health. Get a complete blood test from your health practitioner and also test if you are deficient in Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium, B12 and all the rest of the micronutrient testing.
Test for deficiency in stomach acid. Check mercury levels,(and other heavy metals tests too),hormone levels, and thyroid function, adrenal function, parasites, candida, viruses in the blood, check CRP and homocysteine levels. Check for osteoporosis, bone density. Try a Metametrix Cardio ION blood test
if you can afford it. This test includes many of the above tests in one all inclusive test. When you know what your body is lacking correct it with the proper foods/supplements. Most common deficiencies.
Supplement information

The Natural Pharmacy by Health Notes

5)Test for environmental and food allergies(with nutritional kinesiology/muscle testing or IgG or IgE blood testing or ALCAT tests) Food and environmental allergies and autoimmune diseases go hand in hand too again check the internet- look up "leaky gut" too.

Or try an elimination diet Dr. Cranton has a GREAT one! As you heal your intestines you may be able to tolerate foods you were previously sensitive to.

In my experience, and my doctors’ experience as well as many doctors that have written articles and books on the subject…. many times people affected by autoimmune disease/chronic disease have intolerances/allergies to gluten, dairy and eggs. (many other foods as well)

To read more on this subject see Books to Read on Healing on page 6.

6)Avoid all foods you test allergic/intolerant to.

If you need to avoid dairy, make sure you add in calcium rich non-dairy foods.

If you tolerate or choose to eat dairy foods or eggs make sure they’re organic, the toxins get concentrated in these foods.

Dairy and Health Issues (also read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD)

7)Detox your body(safely) don't try anything too wacky... I like eating tons of organic veggies and fruits and making fruit or veggie juices(always fresh fruit or veggies) or smoothies (with fresh or frozen fruits/veggies). Drink 8, 8 ounce glasses of purified water, alkalinized water, structured water (do your research to find which water is best in your eyes and what you can afford.)

Research enemas/colonics. Sweat with a sauna (far infrared is the best) and sweat with exercise too. Sweat removes toxins.

8)Flood your body with nutrients, eat super healthy foods, seasonal foods, raw food diets, macrobiotic diets, complex carbs have a slower glycemic release and let energy last longer, drink fresh homemade juices, green smoothies, certified organic food, 5-9 servings of vegetables and low glycemic fruits, lots less salt(if you overdo) use sea salt and sea weeds, not table salt, if not eating iodized salt make sure you eat sea veggies for iodine, important for thyroid health, no lunch meats (if use at all use low sodium, uncured, nitrite, nitrate free meats) NEVER eat processed foods, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke or use tobacco, no recreational drugs, have lots of Omega 3's, EPA and DHA, no soda, avoid too much caffeine/coffee, drink herbal teas, no trans fats, no artificial sweeteners, less real sugar or no real sugar. Sweeten foods with fruit, dried fruit, dates, xylitol, lakanto, lacuma, honey, maple syrup ( though the less sugar, even natural fructose, the better) Less meat or no meat for a time, if you choose to eat meat use it as a condiment, make sure the meat is organic, grass fed, range free and humanely treated and slaughtered. Make foods at home and eat out infrequently, unless you have a trusted healthy and organic restaurant. Eat breakfast or have a breakfast green smoothie. Search for raw foods smoothie/ juice recipes on the internet or at your local library. You want mostly veggies in your smoothie. Use healthy cold pressed oils.

Chew each mouthful of food many times to aid in digestion 25-100x!, swirl juices smoothies in your mouth to be sure they are mixed with saliva before swallowing. Try to eat in a peaceful environment. Eat last meal/snack 3-4 hours before bed.

9)Exercise at least 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week. Try life exercises, go get the mail, do gardening or yard work, clean your house, walk your kids to school, park further out from the grocery store, walk walk walk anywhere you can. Stretch! Yoga Or Tai Chi or Pilates. What did you enjoy as a child? Dance classes, basketball, softball, dodgeball, rollerskating, iceskating, incorporate the things you loved as a child back into your life now! Try rebounding(mini trampoline)great for your immune system and cell health! Exercise also helps move your lymph gland fluids!

Do weight bearing/ weight training exercises for bone and muscle strength.

10) Sleep peacefully for the amount of hours required by your body to feel refreshed. Your liver detoxes best at night on an empty stomach. Cells replenish themselves while you sleep. How sleep heals Ways to get a good night’s sleep

11)Rest when you need to, say "no" if you are too tired or overbooked or stressed out!

12)Stress less... try not to sweat the small stuff, practice breathing exercises, many CD's are available at your local library, Andrew Weil has some excellent CD's on breathing/relaxation visualization and healing.

Watch comedies, read joke books LAUGH!!!
13) Feng Shui-or lessen the clutter, clean your environment. Try to do a little at a time or at least clean your bedroom and that can be your retreat...

14)Do macrobiotic "body scrubbing" (see the internet for articles) You skin is your largest detox organ, doing this helps to detox your body.

15) Try additional alternative therapies such as reflexology, reiki, massage, NAET, acupuncture, Active Release Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Chiropractic, a therapist to heal old childhood hurts. Try “grounding” read the book Earthing by Clint Ober.

16)See a holistic dentist, get your mercury amalgams taken out if you feel that it's necessary.

17) Detox your house and your work space and your world as much as possible. What is in your soap,shampoo, your deodorant, your toothpaste, your make up, your shaving cream, etc.? Your skin absorbs everything into your body. Try to get a shower water filter, or a whole house water filter (chlorine is a nasty chemical). Don't use bleach in your laundry, get a environmentally safe laundry soap, dishwasher soap. Don't use aluminum pans/foil(at least don't let the aluminum foil touch your food, use less canned products many are coated inside with harmful chemicals, don't use teflon pans, don't wear cheap jewelry many have lead in them and other harmful chemicals, don't wear nail polish. Home carpets/rugs and paints have many nasty chemicals in them try to find environmentally safe home decor items. Use wood, stone metal rather than plastic etc. Avoid phlalates in many toiletry items (soaps, shampoos, perfume, etc.)Get an air purifier and use it or open the windows wide and air out your house periodically EVEN in the winter. Keep house plants in your major living areas, living room kitchen and bedroom they naturally filter the air. Use natural home cleaners such as vinegar and baking soda. Read the labels, look up chemicals on the internet. Some are very scary! Wear organic cotton clothing, or look for bamboo fabrics. Use glass to store foods instead of plastic. NEVER heat food in plastic in the microwave, better yet don't use a microwave oven at all. Be careful of plastic water bottles left in the car on a hot day, plastics leach chemicals into food and water when heated. If you use prescription drugs be aware that they strip away nutrients from the body, take necessary supplements as needed.

Research and read labels of over-the-counter medications and use sparingly or not at all. Even “safe” aspirin and ibuprofen have serious side effects.

Creating a Green Home and Workplace

18) Find your passion in life and if possible make it your occupation. Also heal relationships with significant other, parents, siblings and friends. Forgive!

Create balance in your life between work and play, and spouse and children, and spending and saving (finances). Simplify your life.

19) Find yourself a doctor or doctors that you can trust and believe in (the hardest and most important item)

I have found that Alternative Doctors, Integrative Medicine Doctors, Holistic Doctors, Holistic MD's, Chinese Traditional Medicine Doctors, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, and Functional Medicine Doctors, are going to use less or no medications and believe more that your diet matters immensely and also help you find out if you have any food or environmental allergies/intolerances. Remember the doctor works for you, you pay the doctor the big bucks and they should earn their keep. If the doctor makes you do things that are uncomfortable for you, or their protocol just doesn’t sit right with you, find a new doctor, there are millions out there, ask friends for recommendations (make sure you get these!) or read books/ articles or go to seminars/talks that the doctor gives (not all doctors do this but it makes it so easy to see if their beliefs mesh with yours...)

.***Always ask questions and keep reading and learning about your disease. Doctors don't know everything and there is so much information to learn. You may stumble on something that can help you and you can bring it to your doctor's attention. Good Luck!

Links to my Blogs Nutrition based and Holistic Lupus Healing Blog (other diseases are covered as well)  My Lupus Healing Plan  Super Healing and Healthy Recipes Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Egg Free - Raw Foods and Macrobiotics   Gluten Free, Casein/Dairy Free, Mostly Egg Free recipes for when a craving strikes

Books to Read on Healing

You can request many of these books through your local library. Ask the librarian for the book/s you are interested in and if they don't have the book, many times they can do an interlibrary loan (get it from another library).

"The Lupus Recovery Diet" by Jill Harrington (title says it all)

"Pain Free in 6 weeks" by Sherry RogersMD (total toxic load on the body, ways to heal, holistic)

"The Gluten Connection" by Shari Leiberman (diseases that can be exacerbated by gluten)

"Gluten Toxicity..."  by Shelly L. Stuart, R.N., B.Sc.N.

"Living on Live Food" by Alissa Cohen (A raw food diet, tons of recipes and testimonies)

"The Great Life Diet" by Denny Waxman (A macrobiotic diet)

" The MS Recovery Diet" by Anne Sawyer (healing MS through diet)

"Living Well with Autoimmune Disease..." Mary J. Shomon (holistic)

"The Ageless Woman" by Serafina Corsello, MD (MD+alternative/holistic)

"Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program" by Dr Joseph Mercola (diet for your specific body type)

"Arthritis..." 2nd Edition by Ellen Kamhi PhD RN HNC and Eugene Zampieron ND MH(AHG)(Holistic and Alternative by the "Natural Nurse" and a Naturopathic Doctor)

"An Alternative Approach to Allergies" by Theron Randolph MD and Ralph W. Moss PhD

"Celiac Disease a Hidden Epidemic" Peter H.R. Green MD and Rory Jones

"Food That Helps Win the Battle Against Fibromyalgia" by Deirdre Rawlings N.D., Ph.D.

"Breakthrough, Eight Steps to Wellness.." by Suzanne Somers(interviews cutting edge doctors)

"The UltraMind Solution.." by Mark Hyman MD(healing your broken brain, through healing your body first)

" The Cure Heal Your Body, Save Your Life.." by Dr. Timothy Brantley

"52 Ways to a Healthy You" by Laura Lewis

"The Women's Guide to Thyroid Health" by Kathryn R. Simpson, MS (Holistic, root cures, thyroid disease)

"Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests are Normal" by Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS

"The Optimum Nutrition Bible" by Patrick Holford

Dr. Andrew Weil's Guide to Optimum Health" CD Set

"Health Wars" by Philip Day

"Cereal Killers..." by Dr. Ron Hoggan and Scott Adams (celiac disease treatments and other diseases that can affect a celiac patient- outrageous book!)

"The Sinatra Solution" by Stephen T. Sinatra MD (reversing heart disease with diet and holistic medicine)

"Is Your Cardiologist Killing You" by Sherry Rogers MD (research into the protocols tat cardiologists employ and why holistic approaches are safer and work better)

"Your Child Doesn't Have to Die" by Leanne Sorteberg (Holistic medicine and nutrition healed her child's cancer)

"The Detox Strategy" by Brenda Watson CNC with Leonard Smith MD

" ChefMD's Big Book of Culinary Medicine..." by John LaPuma MD (healthy cooking and halting disease with foods)

To Learn About Supplements

The Natural Pharmacy by Health Notes

A link to my recommended raw food "un-cookbooks" (you know what I mean! Raw Food!)

A link to some of my favorite Vegan and Macrobiotic Cookbooks